Lekce 1: Centrifugal pumps – horizontal
Kapitola 1: Centrifugal pumps – horizontal
Centrifugal pumps are a type pumps used to convey liquids or gases by the means of a rotating impeller, which increases the pressure of a fluid. The energy is transmitted to the fluid from the impeller driven by an electric or other type of a motor. If the shaft is placed horizontally, we call them horizontal pumps. As the impeller of the pump rotates, it accelerates the fluid, which then flows radially outward into the volute casing and into the manifold system. Centrifugal pumps are most often used, when large discharge through a small head is needed.
In fact, centrifugal pumps work on the Bernoulli’s principle, converting kinetic energy into potential energy (which can be measured as static fluid pressure at the outlet of the pump). First, kinetic energy is transmitted from an electric motor via the rotation of the pump impeller to the fluid. The fluid is drawn into the impeller, where it is accelerated and pushed outwards through a system of vanes to the volute casing (or diffuser) and from there to the outlet manifold.
The outlet manifold can be open either at a place located higher or lower than the position of the impeller. If it is open higher, the kinetic energy of the fluid is converted into static pressure, otherwise it gains greater speed.
Multistage centrifugal pumps
Sometimes centrifugal pumps can have two or even more impellers. In such a case they are called multistage centrifugal pumps. The impellers can share one shaft or they can be mounted on different shafts. If the impellers are connected in series, fhe fluid gains higher pressure. If they are connected in parallel, we receive a higher flow output.
Centrifugal pumps – odstředivá čerpadla
Convey – dopravit
Liquid – kapalina
Gas – plyn
Impeller – oběžné kolo; rotor
Pressure – tlak
Fluid – tekutina (tj. kapalina nebo plyn)
Transmitt – přenést
Driven – poháněný
Shaft – hřídel
Rotate – rotovat
Accelerate – zrychlovat
Flow – téct
Radially – směrem od osy
Volute casing – spirálová skříň
Manifold – potrubí
Discharge – výtok, výtlak
Head – hydraulický spád
Bernoulli’s principle – Bernoulliho princip
Convert – přeměnit
Kinetic energy – kinetická energie
Potential energy – potenciální energie
Pressure – tlak
Outlet – výstup
Draw – sát
Vane – lopatka
Diffuser – rozváděč
Speed – rychlost
Mounted – namontovaný, nainstalovaný
In series – sériově
In parallel – paralelně
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Kapitola 2: Cvičení
- Studenti zpracují na téma Centrifugal Pumps – Horizontal powerpointovou prezentaci.
Kapitola 3: Kontrolní otázky
- Can you briefly describe horizontal centrifugal pumps?
- How do they operate?
- How do single stage and multistage centrifugal pumps differ?
Kapitola 4: Autotest
- Centrifugal pumps can convey
- Horizontal centrifugal pumps have
- What happens, when the fluid is discharged at a position higher than the impeller?
- What happens, when the fluid is discharged at a position lower than the impeller?
- Multistage centrifugal pumps have
Lekce 2: Centrifugal pumps – vertical
Kapitola 1: Centrifugal pumps – vertical
Centrifugal pumps are a type pumps used to convey liquids or gases by the means of a rotating impeller, which increases the pressure of a fluid. The energy is transmitted to the fluid from the impeller driven by an electric or other type of a motor. If the shaft is placed vertically, we call them vertical centrifugal pumps. There are several most common applications of this type of pumps.
Deep wells
Vertical pumps are especially convenient to pump water from deep drilled wells to the surface. They can be single stage or multistage. Single stage pumps have just one impeller by which the water is accelerated and then ejected. Multistage pumps have a series of impellers: after the water is ejected from one impeller, it flows into another one and thus its pressure is increased. During the pumping process the impeller has to be under the water level (in the case of multistage pumps just the first of the series of impellers). The bowl bearings usually do not require any lubrication, they are lubricated by the pumped water.
Other applications
Vertical pumps can be also used in wet pits. These types are usually also lubricated just by the pumped water, but they can also have a forced lubrication system. Sometimes they are also mounted in barrels, cans or other enclosed containers. In this case they are usually used to pump other liquids than water.
Submersible pumps
A special type of vertical pumps are submersible pumps. They have an electric drive motor which is coupled directly to the bowl assembly. They are designed to work under the surface of the pumped liquid, usually water, which also serves as a coolant (which means that the temperature of the pumped liquid must not exceed a certain value). Most often they are used in wells and wet pits.
Centrifugal pump – odstředivé čerpadlo
Convey – dopravit
Liquid – kapalina
Gas – plyn
Impeller – oběžné kolo; rotor
Pressure – tlak
Fluid – tekutina (tj. kapalina nebo plyn)
Transmit – přenést
Application – použití
Well – studna
Drilled well – vrtaná studna
Surface – povrch
Accelerate – urychlit
Single stage – jednostupňový
Multistage – vícestupňový
Eject – chrlit
Bowl – těleso rozváděče
Bearings – ložiska
Lubricate – mazat
Forced lubrication system – nucený mazací systém
Mounted – namontovaný, nainstalovaný
Barrel – sud
Container – nádrž
Wet pit – mokrá jímka
Submersible pump – ponorné čerpadlo
Drive – pohon
Coolant – chladící médium
Temperature – teplota
Exceed – překročit
Value – hodnota
Obrázky a fotografie použité v této kapitole pochází ze stránek {Wikimedia Commons XH http://commons.wikimedia.org}, kde byly zveřejněny pod licencí {GNU FDL XH http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:GNU_Free_Documentation_License}.
Kapitola 2: Cvičení
- Studenti zpracují na téma Centrifugal Pumps – Vertical powerpointovou prezentaci.
Kapitola 3: Kontrolní otázky
- Can you briefly describe vertical centrifugal pumps?
- How do they operate?
- Can you give some examples of their application?
Kapitola 4: Autotest
- The impeller of single stage centrifugal pumps is located
- The bowl bearings are lubricated
- Submersible pumps operate
- How are submersible pumps cooled?
- How many impellers do single stage pumps have?
Lekce 3: Boiler-feed pump
Kapitola 1: Boiler-feed pump
Boiler feed pump
Boiler feed pump is a sort of pump designed to pump water into a steam boiler. The pump can be used to convey fresh water or condensed steam produced by the boiler. The pumps are high pressure units. Two types may occur: centrifugal pumps or positive displacement pumps.
Because the boiler generates high steam pressure, the pump has to develop even higher pressure to force the water inside.
Boiler feed pumps usually do not work constantly, but they are controlled by a device detecting the level of water, such as a float switch. After the pump is switched on, it runs until there is enough water again. Sometimes a two-stage switch is used. When the level of water decreases to a certain point, the pump starts working. If the decrease continues for some reason (e. g. because of some pump failure or exhausted water source), an alarm is set off or the boiler is switched off to prevent it from overheating.
Steam-powered pumps
Steam-powered boiler feed pumps are a type of pumps, which were used in steam locomotives, ship steam engines and some power plants. In this case the pump was driven by a small steam engine using the steam from the boiler. Usually it was a positive displacement pump with steam valves and cylinders at one end and feedwater cylinders at the other end. These pumps had no crankshaft.
Boiler feed pump – napájecí čerpadlo
pump – čerpadlo, čerpat
steam – pára
steam boiler – parní kotel
convey – transportovat, rozvádět
condensed – kondenzovaný
pressure – tlak
unit – zařízení, přístroj
centrifugal pump – odstředivé čerpadlo
positive displacement pump – objemové čerpadlo
generate – vytvářet
force – protlačit
control – řídit
device – zařízení
detect – detekovat
level – úroveň, hladina
float switch – plovákový vypínač
two-stage – dvoufázový
decrease – klesnout, pokles
failure – porucha
exhausted – vyčerpaný
water source – zdroj vody
set off – spustit
prevent – zabránit
overheating – přehřátí
steam locomotive – parní lokomotiva
steam engine – parní stroj
power plant – elektrárna
driven – poháněný
valve – ventil
cylinder – tlaková nádoba
feedwater – napájecí voda
crankshaft – kliková hřídel
Obrázky a fotografie použité v této kapitole pochází ze stránek {Wikimedia Commons XH http://commons.wikimedia.org}, kde byly zveřejněny pod licencí {GNU FDL XH http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:GNU_Free_Documentation_License}.
Kapitola 2: Cvičení
- Studenti zpracují na téma Boiler-feed Pumps powerpointovou prezentaci.
Kapitola 3: Kontrolní otázky
- Can you briefly describe boiler-feed pumps?
- How do they operate?
- Can you give some examples, where steam-powered boiler-feed pumps are used?
Kapitola 4: Autotest
- Boiler-feed pumps are:
- Which types may occur?
- What is the pressure of the pumped water?
- Boiler feed pumps have to work
- How are they controlled?